Royal college (FRCPC)
The only 5-year EM specialty training in the Maritimes
The FRCPC Program at Dalhousie University is the only 5-year EM specialist program in Atlantic Canada. Established in 1990, we are accepting four incoming PGY 1s for the 2024-25 CaRMS cycle. For the most up-to-date information on CaRMS and the application requirements, please refer to the latest CaRMS program description. ​ Our academic day curriculum is based on 2-year Rosen's cycles and includes didactic sessions, exam preparation, adult and PEM simulation, cadaver, and procedural skills sessions.
PGY1 - This year is focused on developing foundational EM skills and getting you oriented to the department and specialty. Get to know the team right away with orientation BBQs, events and retreats!
PGY2-4: These years mark the Core stage in the Competency by Design (CBD) curriculum. In our adult EM blocks, we have the choice to do longitudinal pediatric EM shifts. You will have, in total, 16 Adult EM blocks. During this stage, we take longitudinal trauma team leadership roles and toxicology opportunities during emergency (adult and pediatric) medicine blocks.
PGY5: the focus shifts to transition to practice, ensuring that becoming staff is seamless. There is also dedicated time to working on an Area of Concentrated Expertise (ACE) or beginning a fellowship program.
Clinical rotations
EM Home Blocks
Adult EM (with optional longitudinal PEM shifts) x 30
Pediatric EM x 6
Critical Care
ICU x 3​
PICU x 1
Adult ​Anesthesia x 1
Pediatric Anesthesia x 1
General Surgery x 1 ​
Orthopedic Surgery x 1
Plastic Surgery x 1
Obstetrics and Gynecology x 1
Internal Medicine ED Consults x 1 ​
Coronary Care Unit x 1
Neurology Consults/Stroke x 1
Infectious Diseases x 1
Psychiatry ED Consults x 1
EM specific
Trauma Service (in addition to longitudinal rTTL from PGY2-5) x 1
Difficult Airway x 1
Prehospital/EHS x 1 ​
Toxicology x 1
PoCUS x 1
Teacher-Leader x 1
Research Block x 2 (Can be taken together or split as shift reduction longitudinally).
Elective x 6
How many ED shifts/month? 16 with shift reduction for exam year.
Can I self schedule? Yes in R4/R5 you pick your schedule!
What is the breakdown of shift acuity/type? For PGY1 & 5 FRCPC, there is an equal split between pod 1, charge & pod 3. For FRCPC core & ESEM residents, they get 2 extra charge shifts per block. Though the linear geography of our department means that residents routinely get called in for resuscitations no matter what shift they're on!
Shift time breakdown? Even shift split between day/evening/overnight with shift overlap/casino. Good for wellness!
Is there an academic full day? Yes - every Wednesday (with Tuesdays protected from overnight shifts!).
Can I schedule vacation on and off service? Yes!
What is the admin support like? We are lucky to have an amazing dedicated experienced program admin, Lauren!
When and where can I moonlight? Residents can moonlight in PICU, ICU, and Community EM after their core blocks in R3 (ICU/EM) or R4 (PICU).
What are the parental leave policies? Parental leave is strongly supported with flexible support based on trainee preferences - some take three months, some take a year! We respect the humanity of our residents. Further detail on the parental leave policy can be found on the MarDocs website.
What is the average commute? <10 minutes
Who manages procedures? Our EM physicians have a wide scope- ED airways are entirely managed by EM physicians, reductions and casting are managed by EM unless ortho support is requested, lines/etc., are managed by EM. We get a ton of procedures here.
When do you start resident trauma team leadership (rTTL)? R2
Are staff fee-for-service or salaried? Salaried - which lets them balance good patient flow and taking time for teaching on shift.

Full scope enhanced skills EM training
Thank you for checking out the Enhanced Skills Emergency Medicine (ESEM) program at Dalhousie University! This is an intense year focusing on resuscitation, critical care, and crafting strong clinical skills in emergency medicine. You will undoubtedly be challenged throughout the year and develop the core knowledge/clinical acumen to be ready for independent practice in any Canadian emergency department when you graduate. In addition, our staff, consisting of both CCFP-EM and FRCPC-EM physicians, have carefully crafted an academic curriculum and preparatory material to ensure that you are ready to take your CCFP-EM exam in the Fall after you complete this program.
Clinical learning experiences
Emergency Medicine x 3 blocks (QEII Health Sciences Centre)
Community Emergency Medicine x 1 block (Dartmouth General Hospital)
Emergency Medicine Selective x 1 block (within the Maritimes)
Pediatric Emergency Medicine x 1 block (IWK Health Sciences Centre) - opportunity to do more PEM shifts during EM blocks
Anesthesia x 1 block (Dartmouth or Saint John Regional Hospital)
ICU x 2 blocks (QEII Health Sciences Centre)
CCU/Cardiology ED Consults x 1 block (QEII Health Sciences Centre)
Combined Ortho/Plastics x 1 block (Saint John Regional Hospital)
Trauma x 1 block (Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre)
Elective x 1 block (e.g. Toxicology, Ultrasound, more Anesthesia, etc.)
Academic curriculum
Summer bootcamp simulations with FRCPC residents and ESEM simulation sessions (x10) throughout the year
Weekly academic full day with FRCPC residents, and ESEM lectures covering CCFP-EM Priority Topics
Monthly journal club (each resident presents 2 journals over the year)
Grand rounds and M&M presentation (each resident presents one grand round, and one M&M round over the year)
Many opportunities to teach medical students
Unique opportunities
Regular cadaver sessions
Full day clinics: Red Eye Clinic, ENT Clinic
EMS Ride-Along
Toxicology call opportunities
Introduction Course to Ultrasound and opportunity to obtain POCUS IP certification
Abbreviated AIME course as part of simulation curriculum
Discounted Saint John EM Review course for the CCFP-EM exam
$1500 in conference funding

Integrated FM/EM training in Saint John, NB, and Sydney, CB
Unique to Dal, our EM program offers a 3-year integrated family medicine/emergency medicine program. With residents based out of Saint John, NB, and Cape Breton, NS, this program is a direct entry match through CaRMS, and offers residents the opportunity to train in both family and emergency medicine while meeting the CCFP and ESEM objectives longitudinally. Residents have the opportunity to work with a dedicated preceptor across the three years, with extra training in rural family medicine and regular ED coverage during their family medicine blocks.

Pediatric EM
Emergency care for people who aren't just small adults
Dal EM Program offers comprehensive Pediatric Emergency (PEM) training through our scheduled blocks as well as Area of Concentrated Expertise (ACE) and formal fellowship. Our PEM training occurs at IWK Health Centre, which serves a massive catchment area including Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI, capturing diverse pediatric patient presentations. The new $102-million IWK ED is scheduled to open in 2025. The PEM division also has a robust simulation program which is well revered by our EM and PEM residents. Another highlight of our PEM division is comprehensive Ultrasound training guidance of some of the national leaders in the department.